My beautiful Marley Moo, today you are five months old. Words cannot express just how much I love you and how much you have brought to our family. You have the most wonderful, whole face smile that brings joy to anyone who sees it. We all love watching (and listening to) you playing with your toys, attempting to move, and jumping around(sometimes I think it is like you have four parents looking out for you). I am enjoying every minute of watching you grow up: I just wish you weren't in such a hurry to do it. Here are a few of the things you have been doing lately:
- You have mastered rolling over from back to front and are managing to creep a bit. You haven't figured out how to consistently roll from front to back but that may be partly because when you fuss a bit on your tummy either Hunter or Julia will roll you back to your back.
- Raspberries! You've been blowing them for a few weeks now. You are really vocalizing these days (even making maaah noises now). We all love this and you have been making us laugh with your funny little noises.
- You have moved on from hand and tongue discovery to foot discovery. Those feet are pretty excellent toys (almost as good as your firefly and your crinkly monster).
- You are getting really strong - not only are you lifting up your head when on your tummy, you are also putting weight on your legs. You really want to walk but you have your whole life for that so just relax Marls!
- You have really been trying to give up daytime sleep and while it makes it a bit more difficult to get things done, the upside is you have been sleeping through the night for quite awhile now.
- You are working on teeth! They aren't in yet but I can see your canines. Apparently uncle Jeff got those ones first so maybe that will be the case with you.
- You have been letting Mummy leave you for a few hours a week at the gym daycare and have been doing great there. We are still doing mum and baby yoga, swimming and boot camp and so far you are always a perfect angel at these classes.
At your check-up in late December you were 13 lbs 8 ounces and 24.5 inches long. Yes, you are growing like a weed! My sweet Marley Moo I love you forever, I like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you will be.
Love Mum
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