Saturday, January 5, 2008


In other years Jason and I have sat down and written a list of things we would like to accomplish the next year. Usually the list gets put somewhere and all but forgotten. The last couple of years we ignored resolutions all together. This year, I've decided that part of my procrastinating problem is that I tend to not break things into small achievable tasks instead overwhelming myself with a daunting list. As such, rather than a list of yearly resolutions, I'm going to try to make a small list of things I would like to accomplish each month. My hope is that the sum of these will be an improvement over the year (in my procrastination if nothing else).

Here's January:
  • 1-2 blog entries per week
  • Start Catch 22
  • I haven't seen my syllabus for my latest class but in expectation of a paper - start the research in January instead of waiting until a week or two before the thing is due
  • Ensure the kids get outside at least for a walk each nice day this month (by nice I mean minus 10 and warmer)
  • Yoga three days a week, swimming at least two
  • Call Service Canada
  • Book Hunter's Birthday Party space
  • Enjoy my last month at home with the kids

Will let you know how I make out. I'm thinking getting the head start on the research will prove the most challenging.

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