Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Reality Calling

Today I got a phone call from my new boss. The call brought relief and an abatement of much of the anxiety I've been having about whether or not I'll still have a job when the post-election dust settles:

B: Hi, I'm so and so and I'm looking forward to meeting you. I thought I would call to see exactly when your return to work date is.
M: Um, well it's January 9th officially but I have been contemplating pushing it out a month ...
B: Oh, wow that's soon. Great. I want to be sure we have your new office ready and a computer set up, etc.
M: Great, I wasn't sure if I'd be coming back to the Department or not with all the changes. I had actually thought I might end up over at xyz.
B: We're willing to fight to keep you here. Big overview of the upcoming workload and ambiguity that needs to be sorted out.
M: Maybe I should come into the office and meet you and we could talk a bit more about this. I've been planning to come in for a while but I wasn't sure how busy things would be with all the change.
B: That would be great. How's Friday?
M: Sure, I'll also let you know for sure if I plan to change my back to work date and to when.
B: Okay, see you then.

When I hung up I realized that I had had hope wrapped up in all my anxiety as well. At some level I guess I was hoping that an external shake-up would give me a few more months at home. How much time have I wasted while I've been home anyway? I thought I realized its preciousness all along, but now that I've got so little left, there's so much more I wish I had done.

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