Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Heading Home

I'm heading back to Regina tomorrow so am reflecting on what I had planned to get out of this visit and how it actually went down. Here's the list:

Things I planned to do:
  • Read book club books
  • Walk/jog every evening or use stair master during the day
  • Keep up with yoga before I forget how to do everything
  • Visit with friends in Edmonton
  • Visit aunts and cousin
  • Relax and enjoy time with family

Things I did:

  • Relaxed and enjoyed time with family (read laid around gluttonously eating too much and exercising too little)
  • Visited the Schmoos and the Bilyks (success on the friends bullet particularly since the Bilyks live quite north of Edmonton and just happened to be in the city for some appointments)
  • Read half of Agatha Christie book for book club and ascertained that the Tolstoy one is available at Book and Brier though I haven't yet picked it up. Since the latest was announced last week I am now three (or 2.5) books behind.
  • Determined I need to come for another visit soon because I only made it into Edmonton a couple times and still need to connect with Aunt and Cousin that live close.
  • Determined that a trip to Fort McMurray is warranted to visit other Aunt and some friends with whom I've recently reconnected.
  • Perused the classifieds and job ads and actually saw a few jobs that fit my skill set and some aren't even with the government so apparently my skills are transferrable (not that I didn't already think that but now it's validated)

Despite obvious failures on a couple of the bullets, it has been a good visit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to have you back!